B+H Advance Strategy Insights

An Advance Strategy Holiday Card: 12 Days of Predictive Analytics

Written by B+H Advance Strategy | Dec 11, 2019 6:00:00 PM

The past is no longer predictive of the future.

We have a mantra at B+H that the past is no longer predictive of the future. Advance Strategy is all about working and thinking differently to ensure we create what we should build - not more of what we can build.

It’s about data, not diva, and using predictive analytics for future insight. Join us for the 12 Days of Predictive Analytics this Holiday season! We'll be unveiling a new predictive analytic and the corresponding insight each day of the week for 12 days, starting on 12/11 and ending on 12/27.

From everyone at B+H, we're predicting a great year ahead for all of you!

On the twelfth day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Twelve Drumsticks Drumming.

Insight: Emotional moments matter and they are sector agnostic.

In a project for a confidential internet retailer in Seattle and we used Experiential Graphic Design to evoke the musical influence of the surrounding area. There was a section with real, usable drums, and for an added moment of discovery, one of the drumsticks can be removed to “play” the installation.

Emotion in customer and employee experience is the number one factor in building loyalty. With this in mind, employees at B+H work to blur the lines between graphic design, architecture, interior design and art. The aim is to create memorable user experiences through distinct visual or immersive moments. These experiences are designed to create an emotional connection between people and the places they visit. Each floor, lobby, office and interactive space needs to feed into those emotional moments and visually communicate why you’re here and where you want to go.


On the eleventh day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Eleven Collision Spaces.

Insight: The most valuable spaces are those where humans interact.

When we worked with the Oregon Health and Sciences University and SRG Partnership on the Knight Cancer Research Building, we were helping them build a one-of-a kind facility. One where team science would be possible, oriented around places where computationalists and researchers from across scientific hierarchies can interact and collaborate in new ways to help cure cancer faster.  

What’s true for cancer research, is true for all of the projects B+H works on. The most important spaces are where human interaction occurs.  Whether those spaces are in a hotel, a mixed-use development, or a workplace.


On the tenth day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Ten Pups-a-prancing.

Insight: Culture is more than open floor plans and hockey tables, it’s about considering the entirety of the human experience.

The key to growing a great business is creating an environment that employees look forward to coming to everyday. For B+H, this means welcoming our furry friends in on Fridays! While design is key to any good workplace, it's the policies that good design supports that really help foster creativity and productivity in the workplace.


On the ninth day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Nine Visioning Workshops.

Insight: No capes, no crowns: The best solutions come from true collaboration.

We’re not here to tell you what to do.  

We believe our clients know most of what they need to complete their projects-we’re just here to help them pull it all together. We help to organize that knowledge and translate it into a workable plan. We use proven and proprietary tools during visioning workshops to give our clients the opportunity to think differently and creatively about their own problems. This helps them unlock the organizational wisdom they’ve already invested in. While no two workshops are the same, no organization can create change in a vacuum. You need to get all of the components of a system, and people from all departments, working together to create true comprehensive solutions.


On the eighth day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Eight Debunked Assumptions.

Insight: Understanding and interpreting data is about looking for what’s behind the numbers.

The way we do things is constantly changing with new discoveries and innovations. At B+H, we’re able to examine what used to be considered a “fact” by questioning the existing assumptions, digging into the numbers and really understanding what makes people think. 

Most recently, we’ve been looking into the discourse between generations. It turns out, there’s actually more that unites us than divides us-even across ages and cultural divides. We can’t assume newer generations are going to behave the same way as the generations before them. What is fact today may not be fact tomorrow. B+H is working to challenge the facts of today to help create a better tomorrow.


On the seventh day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Seven User Journeys.

Insight: When designing for humans, you get better outputs using both qualitative and quantitative data.  

We use several data inputs when we embark on a project, whether it’s architecture, interior design, or we’re providing advisory services.  By focusing on the different possible user journeys, we can make sure we’re creating a place where people want to go. The first questions we always ask are: “Who will come? Why will they come? Why will they want to come back?”  By considering the end-to-end user experience, we’re able to make better-informed decisions and create more successful outcomes.


On the sixth day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Six Years in Seattle

Insight: The best results come from combining fresh thinking with the right experience.

B+H Advance Strategy has been in Seattle for six years, and has seen massive growth during that time period.  We're a little different, and we know that our strength comes from the fresh perspective that comes with a young organization, lead by local industry veterans and supported by our 65-year-old global firm, B+H Architects. It’s this combination of deep experience, new ideas, and confidence, that help us bring an innovative approach to these unique projects.


On the fifth day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Five Massive Atria

Insight: Old buildings don’t need to have good bones to be worth revitalizing.

Most buildings on Microsoft’s campus have been built specifically to accommodate the company’s clear guidelines about locating team workspaces with access to natural light. The buildings feature narrow floor plates sized to maximize natural light penetration into both team workspaces and common areas. They also typically feature multi-story atria that house common areas, meeting and social spaces.

The buildings B+H needed to adapt were designed and built for a medical equipment manufacturer in the 1990s. As such their design was optimized to support a completely different kind of business. An early 2000s remodel filled the floor plates with rows and rows of private offices, without a window in sight.

We approached this challenge with the same fundamental question we ask before any design engagement, “how can we optimize this space to create a desirable human experience?” Simply placing team workspaces and supporting spaces along perimeter windows would have left tens of thousands of unusable square feet in the center of the buildings. The only way to bring these buildings up to Microsoft’s rigorous standards and to provide an engaging, inspiring workspace was to bring natural light deep into the interiors, and in a big way.

Awards this project has won:


On the fourth day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Four Steps to the Future

Insight: In times of exponential change, our process de-risks your project and maximizes ROI.

We’ve developed an approach to engagements that’s designed to look for the root problem, and ask the questions that can reveal deeper solutions.  We want to avoid solving a 5-year problem with a 50-year solution, so by diving deeper into data, and rigorously testing our analyses and assumptions, then building a roadmap to success, we avoid the risk of building more of the rapidly-antiquating buildings and spaces that we already have.


On the third day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, Three Hotels A-brewing

Insight: As we live more of our lives online, people are craving real life experiences that go beyond the expected, creating exciting new opportunities in hospitality.

With three hotels in the works in Redmond, WA, Sonoma, CA, and Downtown Seattle, WA, we’re creating spaces that are more than a room and a bed.  The best hotels are perfectly situated in culturally rich neighborhoods to draw in both locals and travelers alike, where they mingle in spaces activated for regeneration, meeting, and play. Immersive culinary, sensory, spa, and historical experiences are transforming the hospitality industry by elevating the levels of comfort and refuge offered while introducing new and innovative experiences.

We’re helping to design hospitality experiences that gives people something they can’t get at home, whether that home is around the corner, or half a world away.


On the second day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me,Two Flashy Cars.

Insight: People's passions make them happy, in 2020 bring your passion to work!

In the world of car culture, cars are built as a reflection of their owners’ personalities - a car represents a blank canvas onto which enthusiasts layer their own perceptions of speed, beauty and power. B+H designed an interior reflective of these ideas, creating a physical expression of Turn 10’s spirit and drive. The lobby, on street level just steps from the car show location, showcases a rotating collection of custom cars, piquing visitors’ curiosity about the Forza franchise. In the lobby, highly polished concrete floors reflect the intense colors and dynamic curves and angles of the highly-prized, rare automobiles.


On the first day of predictive analytics, my consultant gave to me, A Paper Ornament for the Office Tree

Insight: 50% of you will open this card, and 40% will hang your ornament on the tree. Be the one in five!

We can’t predict the future, but we can create it.

With 2019 coming to a close and 2020 about to emerge, we need to disrupt habitual thinking. Our clients’ and our own. Just like every snowflake is unique, every solution is unique. One size misfits all. 

Everyone at the B+H team wishes you and yours a wonderful holiday season! Make sure to hang the Advance Strategy Snowflake from the holiday card on your tree!

Want to receive an ornament next year (and our monthly newsletter)? Sign up here!


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